Sunday, January 4, 2015

Windex/Lysol Kitchen Cleaner VS Norwex Enviro Cloth & Window Cloth

Two eye opening break downs of how a person can save money by NOT buying harmful CHEMICALS. (This is just two chemicals.) Think of all the rooms in your house...and the Enviro Cloth and/or the Window Cloth can tackle that cleaning job WITH JUST WATER!!!! Now think of all the SAVINGS that will happen by just buying one Enviro Cloth and one Window Cloth!!!!!!
Added only takes 26 Seconds for the body to absorb any chemical that a person is cleaning with. I used to use Clorox daily......DAILY.... to clean my kitchen, bathroom and other small jobs!!!!
Now I only clean with my Enviro Cloth, Window Cloth and other environmentally friendly Norwex cleaning products. I am not absorbing ANY harmful chemicals any more!!!